7 Ways to Create Magical Love Relationships

Nancy Hon
3 min readApr 26, 2023


Photo by Fadi Xd on Unsplash

Our love relationships may be the most important relationships we will ever have. And yet, they can be filled with anxiety and disappointment.

How can you keep your relationship thriving and satisfying for both of you?

Finding, keeping, and deepening a meaningful love relationship can be the most gratifying experience we will ever have.

Studies have shown that meaningful love relationships are key to experiencing the greatest amount of overall satisfaction in life.

Another study, in the Journal of Marriage and Family, found that happily married couples experience better overall health than those who are similar in age and unhappily married or single.

There have been many studies done linking a challenging love relationship with effects on your health, especially your heart health.

One study showed a 34% increase in the risk of developing heart problems and other cardiovascular issues.

Being intentional about fostering a positive and loving relationship is crucial and takes work and commitment, but the payoffs can be almost instantaneous.

When it comes to creating positive romantic relationships, you have to make an effort to set up and maintain genuine moments of emotional, spiritual, and physical connections.

  1. Quality Time:

This may be the single most important investment you can make in your relationship. Plan time in your calendar every day to be together and fully present for your partner. Put away your phone, put down your work, turn off the tv, stop what you’re doing and listen, make eye contact, ask questions, and be fully and completely present at that moment. This takes practice and effort but will go a long way in developing a deeper connection.

Connecting on this level will leave you both feeling like you have been heard and acknowledged and will increase your intimacy and closeness.

2. Quality Conversations:

This means following all of the above but making time in your day to really listen and participate and encourage longer conversations. These could be about dreaming up future activities together, planning your life strategies, laughing, and engaging in free-flowing discussions while making it safe for your partner to fully and honestly express themselves. You can call this your ‘no-judgment’ zone.

Make time for quality conversations at least once a week if not more, depending on what’s happening in your life. Setting basic ground rules and expectations helps you to stay on track and avoid areas that might cause anxiety.

3. Quality Intimacy.

Schedule time for spontaneous moments of intimacy. If you’re feeling stuck in the mundane, shake things up and do something different. Have dessert and coffee at a beautiful restaurant, plan a surprise sunset picnic, or rent a jacuzzi for an hour or two.

4. Prioritizing connection is essential.

It’s recommended that couples schedule a weekly date, one that’s romantic and fun, and schedule a trip at least once a year or more if possible (one source recommends a minimum of four times per year).

Actively scheduling trips and dates together on a regular basis will keep your connection alive and exciting and give you both things to look forward to.

5. Address the mess.

If you have a messy house, hire a housekeeper. If you have messy books, hire a bookkeeper, if your car is a mess, hire an auto detailer. You get the picture. Mess and clutter can become a serious distraction for overall happiness and personal satisfaction.

Unclutter your clutter and make room for a more peaceful environment that both of you can relax and enjoy together.

6. Find the right mentor.

Seek out a mentor whether it’s your pastor, a respected friend, a counselor, or someone who can give you a different perspective that can help you during difficult times. All relationships need help occasionally and asking for help is important.

7. Stick to the fundamentals.

Consciously and consistently create conditions to connect, cultivate, and bring magic into each other’s lives. Don’t ever stop doing it even when life becomes more challenging. During those times it can be even more important to maintain the rhythm and connection you have built together.

Having consistency along with quality connection will cultivate deeper love and keep your relationship growing for many years to come.



Nancy Hon

Deep thinker, writer, and passionate adventurer traveling solo. Former entrepreneur, business consultant, and realtor. Come join me on my journey! Many thanks!